Title: The Anniversary Waltz
Author: Darrel Nelson
Publisher: Realms
My Rating: 4 Stars
Buy the Book: -HERE-
"At their sixtieth anniversary party, Adam Carlson asks his wife, Elizabeth, for their customary waltz. After the dance they gather the family and share their story -- a story of love and courage overcoming adversity and thriving in the face of overwhelming odds.
It's the summer of 1946, and Adam has just returned from the war to his home in Reunion, Montana. At a town festival he meets Elizabeth Baxter, a young woman going steady with his former high school rival and now influential banker, Nathan Roberts.
When Adam and Elizabeth share a waltz in a deserted pavilion one evening, their feelings begin to grow, and they embark on a journey, and a dance, that will last a lifetime."
When I first received an email from Glass Road Publishers asking if I would care to join in on this blog tour, I wasn't sure I would be able to commit fully with my busy schedule. Yet, as soon as I had read the title and description of the book, I found myself responding back with a hearty 'yes'. The first thing to catch my attention was the fact that this is Mr. Darrel Nelson's first published book. As an aspiring writer myself, I love taking opportunities to encourage and cheer on new authors. The second thing to catch my attention was the title itself. With a growing passion for dance, my curiosity was piqued.
The moment The Anniversary Waltz was taken out of its package, I began to devour it. A lovely romance began to unfold in front of my eyes. As the official description of the book suggests, there are many adversities and odds Adam and Elizabeth must overcome to develop their relationship. I particularly loved the scene in which they partook in their first waltz, away from everyone's prying eyes. It is a simple but elegant dance and paralleled nicely with the two characters new-found affection for each other.
The writing in this book was not overly flowery or too simple for enjoyment. While I found the pacing in a few sections to either be too long or too short, I do feel that it was planned out well for the most part. The characters were also developed and grew throughout the course of the novel. It can be difficult to make a romance story not seem overly focused on just the romance, but Mr. Nelson was able to build a strong case for both the couple together and the couple as individual people. We not only were able to enjoy Adam and Elizabeth together, but as individual characters as well. Kudos on a great book! I will be eagerly awaiting next Spring when his new book, The Return of Cassandra Todd, hits bookshelves.
I recommend this book to women aged fifteen and up who are looking for a nice romantic love story.
received this book for free from Glass Road Publishers in exchange for posting a review about it. I am not required to
post a positive review. Any opinions expressed are my own.
I am so glad you decided to join the blog tour. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review The Anniversary Waltz. And I'm glad you enjoyed my novel. Thanks for your kind words on your blog.