Author: Amanda L. Davis
My Rating: 5 Stars
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The Nobles hear of Monica’s survival and try to exterminate her before she ruins their upper-class utopia. The rebels send her to find a missing paper bearing instructions on how to shut down the computers that control the chips in Cillineese, a major city-state. The Nobles are alerted to the plan and prepare to seal Cillineese in a giant dome to gas the inhabitants, including Monica.
The fate of millions rides on Monica’s shoulders. As the only chip-less person in the world, she must find the paper, destroy the computers, and free Cillineese from the Nobles’ iron fist before they strike with the ultimate punishment—death for everyone inside the city walls."
When I heard that one of my good friends was going to have her book published, I was extremely happy. Amanda Davis's writing has always been something that I've admired and the plot to this book sounded very intriguing. As soon as I received an advanced reader's copy, I picked up the book and began to devour it. From the first chapter, we're given great description and storytelling. I got into the book right away and hated putting it down. Unfortunately, I did not finish this as fast as I would have due to a very busy schedule.
Before Precisely Terminated, I had never read a dystopian novel before. For a first-time dystopian reader, I was very impressed. I loved the theme of the whole story and the different way things worked. It was so unlike any other fiction I've read. Not only was the storyline intriguing, but the characters equally so. Our main character is like none I've ever encountered before. I loved her progression throughout the story.
I am already very much looking forward to the next two books in the series. Following Monica's adventures to save everyone is going to be an incredible journey, I can already tell. In so saying, I highly recommend this book!
What's Coming Up Next?
The Horse and his Boy, by C.S. Lewis
Raising Dragons, by Bryan Davis
Skeleton Key, by Anthony Horotwitz
The Inconvenient Marriage of Charlotte Beck, by Kathleen Y'Barro
Torrent, by Lisa T. Bergren
Life Support, by Robert Whitlow
And a special in-depth review of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, by J.K. Rowling
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