Thursday, January 19, 2012

Booking Through Thursday: Skipping

This week, Booking Through Thursday asked, "I saw this article the other day that asked, “Are you ashamed of skipping parts of books?” Which, naturally, made me want to ask all of YOU: Do you skip ahead in a book? Do you feel badly about it when you do?"

Would you believe I used to almost ALWAYS skip to the last part in a book and read the ending? Very counter-productive I know, and I have definitely stopped those ridiculous ways.

But what about now? It would seem natural that if you were re-reading a book, you might decide to skip over certain sections you don't want to read, but not for me! I don't skip parts in books. Ever. Now, if a book contains foul language that isn't too frequent, I'll skip over those words, but that's as close as it comes to skipping parts in books.

As a fun side note, sometimes I will go back through books I've already read and just read a certain section that I liked the best. That's as close as it comes to skipping parts of books, though!

Happy reading!