Friday, December 9, 2011

Where on earth has Tippie been?

So, where have I been exactly? Let me tell you, a lot has gone on since the beginning of December.

The majority of my time spent away from blogging and major reading goes towards taking care of my mother and our house. My mom had partial knee replacement surgery on both of her knees the end of November. With running back and forth from the hospital and having to keep the dog and the house under control, my life was hectic to say the least.

She returned home about four days later, but that didn't relieve any of my duties. She was confined to laying around, so my household duties were still in effect. She's recovered quite well and even though she is still going to physical therapy as of now and is still in some pain, life has gotten back to being almost normal. I'm no longer running around doing laundry, cleaning the dishes, sweeping the floors or dusting, but back to my studies and reading. How fun!

In a nutshell, that's where I've been this past month. Now that life is coming back on track, I'm going to be getting back to reading as much as possible!

Oh, and g what I got for Christmas this year? A Kindle Touch 3G. Yup, so now, I'll be reviewing books that I not only read from actual physical copies, but also books on a completely awesome e-reader.

Until next time, my readers, until next time. I'm looking forward to getting back into blogging!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Booking Through Thursday: Mystery or Love story?

This week, Booking Through Thursday asked, "All things being equal, which would you prefer–a mystery? Or a love story?"

Wow. This is a tough question, isn't it? I suppos it might not be so hard for some of you, mainly you guys, but it sure is a toughie for me! You see, I've run into a conundrum with this question. While I absolutely adore a good mystery, I also equally enjoy a sappy romance story.

They each have great qualities that I latch on to. With a mystery, there is the whole picking up pieces of the puzzle and trying to solve the whodunit before you are rewarded with the real answer thing going on. With romance, you can sit back and lose yourself into a fairytale romance, relationship hardships and unlikely matches.

I'm going to have to pick (drum roll please!) mystery as that which I would prefer most. While I love sitting down and reading great romance, most of the time, I would probably prefer a mystery. Though, I would be happy with either!

Happy reading folks!